Life Update: In California for the Summer!

Ahhh, I can’t even believe I’m typing this post! The biggest adventure of my life so far began almost a month ago, on June 4…I flew across the country and temporarily moved to Los Angeles, California!!! (How is it July already? How have I been here for almost 4 weeks? Time scares me.)

In other words, I’m living out my number one dream for eight weeks of the summer. Wow!


This phenomenal opportunity is taking place through a global internship program that is offered by my school back home; I applied back in February, crossed my fingers, and hoped for the best, never quite believing that it would work out. But thank God it did, because right now I’m living in the city I’ve fantasized about for the entirety of my teenage years. Along with about 20 other students from my school and kids from all across the country, I’m staying at a college dorm building in the heart of Hollywood — literally, I can see the sign from outside my room — while interning for The Mighty (an awesome media company/website centered around mental illness, disability, disease, and many other health challenges — I highly recommend checking it out) and exploring all that the City of Angels has to offer!

It still hasn’t hit me that I’m actually here, and I don’t know if it ever will. During the entirety of the flight — which was only my second time on a plane, and my first time alone — and the ride from the airport, the sightseeing around this area, the daily commute to work…all I could do and all I can do every day is take it all in and be grateful. There’s nothing like towering palm trees, perfect sunny weather, and the thrill of unknown streets to reignite the fire inside of you that you thought was long lost.

My first month here has felt a bit nonstop with getting to and from work every day, getting settled, and the group trips we do on the weekends, but I’m having so much fun! I’ve made a great group of friends and I’m absolutely in love with Los Angeles. I feel better than I have in a long time and I am so happy to be here.

I want to do separate blog posts with highlights from some of my favorite sightseeing trips & outings (like the Hollywood Sign and The Grove), especially since I got a new camera and I’ve been trying to use it a lot. So stay tuned for those posts! I hope everyone is having a wonderful, stress-free summer 🙂

Stay free! xo

— Morgan



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